The third Navigate By Faith Christadelphian Youth Summit will be held on March 26th, 2022 at the Verdugo Hills Ecclesial Hall. This year’s summit is called “Same-Sex Attraction and the Church”, and is based on the book of the same name.
The world around us has many conflicting opinions about how followers of Jesus Christ should behave if they are attracted to the same sex, and how other Christians should treat those who are so attracted. Ed Shaw is a same-sex attracted pastor of the Church of England, Evangelical Alliance who believes that the reason that there is so much confusion on the topic is that the church has lost the true gospel. To help clear up the confusion and show how, in the light of the true Gospel, God’s plan for same-sex attracted people really is the most plausible option, he has written a book on the subject called “Same-Sex Attraction and the Church”.
During our Youth Summit, we’re planning on digging into what Ed says on the subject, comparing it with what the Bible says, and seeing if there’s anything that we can take from his thoughts that will help us as Christadelphians as we also struggle with the challenges of same-sex attraction.
We hope you can join us on March 26th, 2022 beginning at 9:30 a.m. at the Verdugo Hills Hall. The day will be shorter than most previous Youth summits, but will, as usual, include classes, discussion groups, testimonies, prayer, and of course good food!
Much thought, prayer and effort has been put into this Youth Summit. We would love to see you there! Also, we would ask that you pray for God’s blessing on our effort and this day! Our prayer is that it truly expresses his purpose, would be a help to all who attend and bring glory and honor to our Father and our Lord Jesus.

Summit Information
Designed for Young People
This summit is designed especially for young people aged 13-30, baptized and not, who are interested in trying to follow God’s guidance in their life.
Investigative, not proscriptive
We'll be reviewing and discussing a book on a difficult subject written by a non-Christadelphian, and discussing what we can learn from it as Christadelphians. The author won't be there, so feel free to agree or disagree with him as much as you want as we try to figure out what's true together.
We think that the best person to go to for information is the one who created us and knows us better than we know ourselves: God himself. As a result, while we will be reviewing and discussing a different book, when determining the truth of anything, we will always go back to the Bible.
We'll be hearing from same-sex attracted Christians about their experience trying to follow Jesus' teachings in a world that actively preaches self-indulgence, and how their local church can help or hurt them on their walk.
Breakfast and lunch will be provided, and free coffee and snacks will be available between sessions.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What exactly do you plan on saying during this summit? Should I be worried?
A: The material that will be presented at the summit is going to be taken almost entirely from the book “Same-Sex Attraction and the Church”. If you’re curious about what will be presented, you can buy your own copy (e.g. from Amazon, InterVarsity Press, and/or your favorite bookstore) and read it yourself.
We are also planning on using material from http://livingout.org/, a website that Ed Shaw helps edit. We would recommend visiting that website and perusing its material, especially if you don’t have time to read the book.
This material will be presented as opinion, not gospel. We will be listening to it, considering and then discussing it together. We fully appreciate that this is a subject that many people hold very strong beliefs on, and like all youth summits, we see this as an opportunity to open a discussion and shed some clear Biblical light on the subject.
But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.
Ephesians 5:13
Q: Has this information been presented anywhere else?
A: Yes! This same information was presented in three classes to the San Francisco Ecclesia during Adult Sunday School, and the Verdugo Hills Ecclesia during their weekly Bible class. If you would like to see full video recordings of the Verdugo Hills classes, please email and we will make them available to you.
Q: I’m a parent of a CYCer. Can I still come?
Yes! While the Youth Summit is intended for ages 13-30, like with all CYC conferences, parents and counselors are welcome to register and attend. It’s important for you to be part of the conversation as well!
Q: Why did you choose this topic?
In a survey from our first Youth Summit in 2018 our CYCers overwhelmingly requested that we cover the topic of homosexuality in a future Youth Summit.
As you can imagine, preparing for this topic has been difficult and then of course, Covid hit. But here we are now, four years later, ready and willing to honor that request–trusting deeply in God’s timing and praying for His hand on our preparations.
Q: How can I prepare for the summit?
A: You do not need to do any homework beforehand to prepare for the summit, but if you want to, here are a couple suggestions that will help you to make the most of your time:
- Read the book! You can purchase it quite affordably online from retailers such as Amazon and InterVarsity Press.
- Check out http://livingout.org/, a website on similar issues edited by Ed Shaw
Q: Can I get the book at the summit?
A: Yes! We will have a limited quantity (8 copies) of the book available for purchase at the summit. The price will be $18.75, payable in cash or Venmo/Paypal. Of course, if you want to have the time to read the book before the summit, you’ll need to find some way to get your hands on it before then.
Q: I have questions or concerns that haven’t been addressed by this website.
A: Feel free to email us at and we will do our best to answer your questions and concerns.
Be sure to check out the schedule for the day!
Upcoming 2023 Summit - Identity in Christ
The “Same-Sex Attraction and the Church” Youth Summit is intended to be the first of a two-part series, with the second part to be called “Identity in Christ“, and to be held, Lord willing, on March 18, 2023.
During that summit, we will be exploring in more detail what it means for us to find our identity in Jesus Christ, not in our career, possessions, sexuality, or other temporary details of our mortal lives.
While we will be touching on some of these ideas in “Same-Sex Attraction and the Church”, we thought that the concept was so important that it deserved its own entire day. Please click here for more information about the 2023 Youth Summit!
About Us
Navigate by Faith is a group of disciples seeking to honor the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ by loving young people in a manner that fosters deeper relationships by being real and honest, offering practical application advice and finding comfort while facing what is uncomfortable.
We strive to build trust, demonstrate empathy and compassion, and offer support and resources in order to encourage others as they take up their cross and Navigate their lives by Faith.
The road to developing a Godly character is not meant to be traveled alone. We do all this in the spirit of Galatians 6:2, “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.”