The 2019 Navigate By Faith Christadelphian Youth Summit will be held on March 23rd, 2019 at the Verdugo Hills Ecclesial Hall. This year’s summit is called “Faith and Wellness: Understanding Depression, Anxiety, and Addiction”.
Our goal with the 2019 summit is to give Christadelphian young people the tools they need to understand and help each other with mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and addiction.
If you’re looking for the 2018 Youth Summit website, it’s at http://christadelphianyouthsummit.org/ys2018

Summit Information
Designed for Young People
Like the previous one, this summit is designed especially for young people aged 13-30, baptized and not, who are interested in trying to follow God’s guidance in their life.
Joint Classes
Classes will be given by Christadelphian brethren with experience in mental health issues. All classes will be held in the same room - no splitting up this time!
Each class will be introduced by a personal testimonial given by a Christadelphian who has faced this challenge and overcome it. By hearing the testimony of others in our spiritual family, we can learn both that we aren't alone, and that things can get better.
A key part of a Youth Summit is allowing young people to talk to each other! Like the 2018 summit, the 2019 summit will feature guided group discussions to allow people to discuss and reflect on the contents of the sessions.
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be provided, and free coffee and snacks will be available between sessions. There will also be special coffee available for purchase, if desired.
Need more information? Check out the schedule for the day.
A Time for Empathy
A major focus of the summit is realizing that we are not alone, we are all struggling with these issues, and that there is help available. After every session there will be an opportunity to discuss the contents of the class and build the bonds of friendship that are so necessary in our walk towards God’s kingdom.
About Us
Navigate by Faith is a group of disciples seeking to honor the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ by loving young people in a manner that fosters deeper relationships by being real and honest, offering practical application advice and finding comfort while facing what is uncomfortable.
We strive to build trust, demonstrate empathy and compassion, and offer support and resources in order to encourage others as they take up their cross and Navigate their lives by Faith.
The road to developing a Godly character is not meant to be traveled alone. We do all this in the spirit of Galatians 6:2, “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.”