The fourth Navigate By Faith Christadelphian Youth Summit will be held on March 18th, 2023 at the Verdugo Hills Ecclesial Hall. This year’s summit is called “Who Does God think you are? Your Identity in Christ”, and is about how to define ourselves by who God thinks we are, not by our our own feelings, or the opinions of those around us.
One of the main struggles in life is figuring out who you are – “finding yourself”. People often use things such as their career, their interests, their sexuality, or their relationships to define who they are. However, we Christians don’t need to wonder who we are – we’ve been told by God that we are his children, chosen by him before the world began, so that by following the example of Jesus Christ we can bring glory to his name. In this Youth Summit, we’ll be exploring this concept, both how we know it to be true, and what it means for us in our daily lives.
We hope you can join us on March 18th, 2023 beginning at 9:00 a.m. at the Verdugo Hills Hall. The schedule will be similar to our last youth summit, and will include classes, discussion groups, testimonies, prayer, a panel discussion, and of course good food!
Much thought, prayer and effort has been put into this Youth Summit. We would love to see you there! Also, we would ask that you pray for God’s blessing on our effort and this day! Our prayer is that it truly expresses his purpose, would be a help to all who attend and bring glory and honor to our Father and our Lord Jesus.0

“Fear not,
for I have redeemed you;
I have called you by name,
you are mine.”
– Isaiah 43:1 –
Summit Information
Designed for Young People
This summit is designed especially for young people aged 13-30, baptized and not, who are interested in trying to follow God’s guidance in their life.
Encouraging Classes
Everyone will be together for a set of 3 classes led by Christadelphians that will help you to understand who you really are, and what that means.
We'll be hearing from brothers and sisters in Christ about how finding their identity in Jesus Christ has transformed their lives.
Panel Discussion
The day will finish off with a panel discussion where Christadelphians from various backgrounds will share their perspectives on the topic
Breakfast and lunch will be provided, and free coffee and snacks will be available between sessions.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I’m a parent of a CYCer. Can I still come?
Yes! While the Youth Summit is intended for ages 13-30, like with all CYC conferences, parents and counselors are welcome to register and attend. It’s important for you to be part of the conversation as well!
Q: If I didn’t go to the previous summit, can I still come?
Of course! While we intend for this Summit to be a continuation of the ideas from the 2022 Summit (“Same-Sex Attraction and the Church”), there is no requirement to have come to the previous one. Newcomers are welcome!
Q: I have questions or concerns that haven’t been addressed by this website.
A: Feel free to email us at and we will do our best to answer your questions and concerns.
About Us
Navigate by Faith is a group of disciples seeking to honor the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ by loving young people in a manner that fosters deeper relationships by being real and honest, offering practical application advice and finding comfort while facing what is uncomfortable.
We strive to build trust, demonstrate empathy and compassion, and offer support and resources in order to encourage others as they take up their cross and Navigate their lives by Faith.
The road to developing a Godly character is not meant to be traveled alone. We do all this in the spirit of Galatians 6:2, “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.”